''...and increase disharmony
aboard this ship.''
How about that?
''lt is therefore urgently requested...
''...that l be ordered to combat duty,
preferably aboard a destroyer.''
l've got a chance, haven't l?
Listen, Doug....
You've been sending in a letter
every week for goodness knows how long.
Every week, the Captain screams
like a stuck pig...
...''disapproves'' your letter and forwards it.
That's just my point, Doc.
He does forward it--
The captain of a Navy ship is the most
absolute monarch left in this world.
l know that.
lf he endorsed any letters ''approved,''
your orders would come through like that.
But ''disapproved,'' you haven't a prayer.
You're stuck on this old bucket. Face it.
lt's still a chance, Doc. lt's still a chance.
l'm sorry you ever saw that task force.
l've got to go down to my hypochondriacs.
-Good morning, Mr. Roberts.
-Good morning, Dowdy.
lt's hotter up here than it is
down in that mess hall.
Look at that cruddy island! Smell it!
lt's so hot it already smells like a hog pen.
Think we'll get out of here today?
l don't know. There are three LCMs
coming alongside for supplies.
Are they getting up yet?
Yeah, they're startin' to stumble around
down there, the poor, punch-drunk....
When are you goin' to the Captain again
and ask him to give this crew a liberty?
These guys ain't been off this ship
for over a year except on duty.
The last time l asked the Captain
was last night.