Mister Roberts

One of them actually got a black eye.
Six others had their clothes
torn from them.

They ran screaming into the night.
They haven't been heard from since.
What are you going to do about it?
l'm due to be relieved here in 15 minutes.
l'd be glad to lead a search party.

No, sir, the Army will take charge
of that end.

Colonel Middleton will want to know
what punishment you'll give these men.

You tell him l'm sure our captain
will think of something.

-But, sir--
-That's all, Sergeant.

-Thank you, sir.
-Good night!

-So long, you guys!
-See you around.

What have you got to say for yourselves?
Okay if we go ashore again?
What do you say, Doc?
-Anybody got a fractured skull?

They pass the physical.
Go and take a shower
and get into some clothes.

We've just got time to get back
to the dance!

Hey, Mr. Roberts! l'm drunk as a goat!
Show him how drunk l am!
Mr. Roberts, when l first saw her
she was eating.

And you know,
she just ate her way into my heart.

She was eating a little old palm tree!
There you are, kid! Chow!
Wait a minute!
What's her name?
-l don't know, sir.
-She's got a nameplate.

Her name is....
''Property of.''
What's her last name?
Her last name?
''Rear Admiral Wentworth.''
Okay, hit the sack. l'll take care of her.
Okay, Mr. Roberts.
See that she gets a good square meal!

Come on, baby.
