Kicked out! Kicked out!
The first time l've ever been
kicked out of a port!
You're going to pay for this!
Now get the gangway up
and we're going to get out of here.
Chief, bring in the gangway.
We've been kicked out of port.
Bookser ain't aboard, sir.
He didn't come back last night.
Get that gangway up, Mister!
And l mean now!
Yes, sir.
Come on, Booksie! Come on!
l'm surprised at you!
Yes, sir, so am l.
Where did you meet her?
-At a church social.
-All night?
We went for a walk down on the beach.
We sat there and counted the stars.
Honest, sir, that's all.
-Better get below.
-Yes, sir.
All present and accounted for, sir.