What's he taking all that guff for?
''Yes, sir.'' ''No, sir.''
''Aye, aye, sir.''
Hey, Killer, do you really think
he's bucking for a promotion?
Who, Mr. Roberts?
He's just tired, that's all.
Yeah, that's right. He's just tired.
Mr. Roberts, l got something here.
A little love letter from the Bureau came in
just this morning.
Get a load of this.
''To all ships and stations:
''Heightened war offensive has created
urgent need aboard combat ships...
''...for experienced officers.
''All commanding officers are directed
to forward with their endorsement...
''...all applications for transfer from officers
with 24 months sea duty.''
You've got 29 months.
Does that put old stupid
behind the eight ball or don't it?
Here's your letter, all typed up and ready
to go. Just the old John Hancock.
Go ahead, Mr. Roberts.
l want to hear him explode.
Yeah, he'll go right through the overhead!
l want to look it over first.
What's to look over?
lt's just a standard form--
l'm not going to stand here and argue!
l told you l want to look it over.
Get back to your typewriter
before l put you on report!
All right, don't just stand here.
...from the headquarters
of the Allied Command in Europe.
I repeat,
there is no official announcement yet.