Sound the general alarm!
Sound the general alarm!
Sound the general alarm.
Off to the deck!
What happened?
What happened?
Must be an air raid!
Submarine! Must be a submarine!
What happened?
-Must be an air raid!
Secure that life raft!
He didn't say abandon ship!
All right, now, wait a minute!
Laundry detail report to forward gun!
l'm coming! Where's the gun?
Are you supposed to be up there?
Yeah. We was up here last year.
Dowdy, where's my battle station?
l don't know where your battle station is.
Look around!
Ask a man politely where his battle station
is and he says, ''Look around! ''
Engine room manned and ready.
All battle stations manned and ready.
All except mine.
All battle stations manned and ready,
All right. Who did it?