Mister Roberts

Roberts! Roberts, you get up here
in one quick hurry!

Roberts, get a move on.
I'm giving you an order!

Do you hear me, Roberts?
This is it. You get a move on
and get up here, or this is finally...

...finally the showdown. We are going
to have it out right here and now.

Do you hear, Roberts?
Get up here now!

You want to see me, Captain?
You did it! Don't stand there and lie to me.
Confess it!

Confess what? l don't know
what you're talking about.

You know what l'm talking about
because you did it!

You've double-crossed me!
You've gone back on your word!

No, I haven't, Captain.
Oh, yes, you have! Yes, you have.
I kept my part of the bargain.

I gave this crew liberty!
I gave this crew liberty...

...but you've gone back on your word.
You promised me on your word of honor!
I kept my word. I haven't written
any more letters.

l'm not talking about your stinking letters.
l'm talking about what you did tonight!
Tonight? l don't understand you, Captain.
What do you think l did tonight?

You know what you did!
You stabbed me in the back!
You stabbed me in the--
Will the Doctor please report
to the Captain's cabin on the double!

Will the doctor please report
to the Captain's cabin on the double!

Hey, Lindstrom, where is the old man?
He's sittin' in a chair, leaning way forward.
What's the Doc doing?
Doc's holding a wastebasket.
What wastebasket?
The one the old man's got his head in.
There he goes again!
They got him to the couch.
