lt's nothing against them, Doc.
They're too busy lookin' out for themselves
to worry about anybody else.
Well, take a good, deep breath, Buster.
What do you think got you your orders?
Prayer and fasting?
Sending in enough box tops?
Dolan said one of my old letters turned up.
This crew got you transferred.
They were so busy
thinking about themselves...
...that they took a chance of landing
in prison for five years, every one of them.
You couldn't send in a letter for transfer,
so they sent one in for you.
They knew the Captain wouldn't
sign it approved...
...so they didn't bother him.
They signed it for him.
Doc, what do you mean?
They forged the Captain's name?
That's it exactly.
lt was quite a thing to see, Doug...
...the Captain's name-signing contest.
Every man in the crew trying his best...
...to copy that little scrawl of the Captain's.
Then the judges decided the winner.
At the time, there was some criticism
of their decision...
...on the grounds that the judges
were drunk.
But apparently from the results,
they chose pretty well.
How did you find out about it?
Well, it was a great honor.
l'm the only officer aboard who knows.
l was a contestant.
l was also a judge.
This double honor was accorded me
because of my character...
...charm, good looks...
...and because the medical department
...four gallons of grain alcohol
to the contest.
Who won? Who signed it?
l'm not at liberty to say.
Basically, they all did.
And with just one idea in mind:
To do something for Mr. Roberts.