''This is a tough crew on here,
and they have a wonderful battle record.
''But l've discovered, Doc,
that the unseen enemy of this war...
''...is the boredom
that eventually becomes a faith...
''...and, therefore, a terrible sort of suicide.
''l know now that the ones
who refuse to surrender to it...
''...are the strongest of all.
''Right now l'm looking at something
that's hanging over my desk.
''A preposterous hunk of brass...
''...attached to the most bilious piece
of ribbon l've ever seen.
''l'd rather have it
than the Congressional Medal of Honor.
''lt tells me what l'll always be proudest of:
''That at a time in the world
when courage counted most...
''...l lived among 62 brave men.
''So, Doc, and especially you, Frank,
don't let those guys down.
''Of course l know that by this time
they must be very happy...
''...because the Captain's overhead
is filled with marbles.
''And here comes the mail orderly.
This has to go now. l'll finish it later.
''Meanwhile you guys can write too,
can't you? Doug.''
May l see that, Frank?
This one's from Fornell.
''l'd rather have it
than the Congressional Medal of Honor.''
Well, l'm glad he found that out.
What's the matter?
What's the matter?
Frank, what is it?
Mr. Roberts is dead.