-Red Label?
-Red Label.
lt may look like it,
but it sure won't taste like it.
Doc, what does scotch taste like?
lt tastes like....
You know what it's always tasted
a little like to me?
Of course.
One drop of iodine, for taste.
Let me try that.
This calls for a medical opinion.
How about it?
We're on the right track.
Now we need something extra for age.
What have you got there, Doug?
Seltzer, some fruit salts, hair tonic....
Hair tonic! That's got a coal tar base.
One drop of hair tonic, for age.
That'll age the daylights out of it.
That's it!
You know, it does taste a little like scotch.
Do you know, it does.
That dumb little blonde will never know
the difference!
All right, Frank,
Doug and l made the scotch...