
Why did she send you to me?
Was there no one else?

No one but you, sir.
What am l supposed to do with you?
Make you a pillar of society,

like myself?
Thank you, sir.
What do you mean by that?
lt's nice to have a friend.
A friend!
You disabuse yourself of that whimsy!

Your mother presumed
on a piece of folly

that both of us lived to regret!
The Mohunes sawto that.
They married her off
to the first available cousin

and they shipped me to the devil
by the quickest road.

But the devil and l
became fast friends.

As everyone in Moonfleet
will tell you.

Take him upstairs, put him to bed.
Did they look after you
while l was away?

''As the whirlwind passeth,
''so is the wicked no more.''
Proverbs 10:25.
Come on, before it's dark.
Are you taking me to Mr. Fox?
ls that Mr. Fox's carriage?
You are, aren't you?
Never you mind, sir.
Now, in you get.
l want to go to Mr. Fox!
