
Aye. But the question is,
do we need the one?

On my way to Ashwood House,
l received a message.

lt said that l might find
better entertainment here.

Who peached?
l can spare you five minutes.
Well, here it is. The men's hearts
ain't in this business any more.

What do the men want,
plainly and simply?

Before they'll run another cargo,
they want a bigger share.

lt ain't right that
some should take all the chances

while others
pockets all the profits!

You may give yourself airs
above ground, Mr. Kiss-me-hand Fox,

but down here
you're no better than we are.

You witless, gutless
misbegotten gallows-bait!

Before you thought yourselves
desperate fellows

if you smuggled two kegs
a month in a load of mackerel!

l turned your paltry swindle
into a trade worth thousands!

And l claim the captain's share
because l earn it!

Now, gentlemen,
anything else you wished to discuss?

Then if you'll excuse me.

''Strengthen ye the weak hands,
and confirm the feeble knees.''

lsaiah 35:3.
l'm for bed.
Here, best see to this.
Cover it up.
