- You didn't, huh?
- No.
Just a paper with Bible verses.
And all of them numbered wrong.
At least
that's what Master Ratsey said.
Bible verses?
ln Redbeard's coffin?
Let me look at that!
You say all these numbers are wrong?
That's what Master Ratsey said.
Jeremiah 51:10...
One, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, ten: ''Treasure''!
- The tenth word is treasure!
- Treasure?
''Lo, l am this day
fourscore and five years old.'' Six.
One, two, three, four, five, six:
l does mean something,
doesn't it, sir?
lt's a cipher!
ln a well!
Hollisbrooke is
the deepest well in England!
And your Redbeard,
Master John Mohune,
was governor
of Hollisbrooke Castle!
Then that's where the diamond is!
lf there is a diamond.
Oh, there is, sir! l know it!
lt's in that well!
Fourscore deep...
Sir, is there a way
to get down that far?