- Whats the matter?
- This bed.
They are kind of hard, arent they?
Hard? We could do better at the morgue.
Lets go to sleep.
Maybe we can have
a nice, pleasant nightmare.
- We got a big day ahead of us tomorrow.
- Thats right.
- Good night, honey.
- Good night.
What was that?
Now what?
- Thats one way to keep cool.
- Ruth, youre drenched.
Here, let me get you a towel.
Get away from there.
- Pete, look. Girls.
- Go away! You heard me.
- Beat it, you drunken goons!
- Now, please, madam.
All we were doing was singing.
Since when is it a crime to sing?
Youre certainly not
getting into the spirit of things, madam.
Im not in the mood
and stop calling me madam!
- Isnt she lovely, Pete?
- She certainly is.
You get away from there.
Now, go on, go away.
Break it up!
- I was saying good night...
- Good night, ladies.
You heard them. Out.
Good night, ladies.
- Thank you very much, Officer.
- Yes. Were so glad you came by.
- Ill bet you are.
- There arent any shades on the window...
And theres a light
shining through the window.
- Could you do something about that?
- Sure, llI put a shade on it.
- You kids new in the neighbourhood?
- We just moved in this afternoon.
If youre smart, youll move out tomorrow.
I dont go for this kind of stuff on my beat.