I hate to admit it, Mr. Baker...
but youre a very discerning man.
It just happens that Eileen
and the inexperienced...
frustrated, spinsterish Ruth Sherwood...
are one and the same.
You mean... You tell me that this...
All those experiences? You?
All those men?
I guess the single girls in Columbus
were happy to see you leave.
It wasnt as bad as all that.
- I coloured the stories a little.
- Naturally.
- You know, literary licence.
- Yeah...
What about that army pilot...
that flew all the way from Nome, Alaska
to bring you a birthday present?
Danny Marshall.
He always was impulsive.
Well, no wonder they voted you
the girl most likely to marry a millionaire.
Every girl gets voted the most likely
to do something or other, doesnt she?
Yeah. How come you never did get married?
I have to think of my career.
Miss Sherwood, would you consider
having dinner with me tonight?
Lm sorry. Id love to...
but I have a previous engagement.
Thats too bad. Couldnt you break it?
I could sure break mine.
- No, I couldnt. Hed be terribly upset.
- Im sure he would.
- The least I could do is drive you home.
- No, Id rather you wouldnt.
Frank. He said he might be early
and it might be embarrassing.
- Hes terribly jealous.
- I just said I was gonna drive you home.
- You dont have to ask me up.
- Its not up, its down.
Thank you very much anyway, Mr. Baker.
Perhaps some other time.