
Don’t you like Will anymore?
Of course I do. There won’t
never be nobody like Will.

Then what about this peddler-man?
There won’t never be nobody
like him neither.

You’ve got to make up your mind.
Which one do you like the best?

- Whatever one I’m with.
- Well, you are silly.

Well, now, Laurey, nobody paid me
any mind up to this year...

... on account I was scrawny
and flat as a beanpole.

Then I rounded up, and now
the boys act different to me.

- What’s wrong with that?
- Nothing’s wrong. I like it!

When a fellow talks pretty to me,
I get shaky from horn to hoof.

- Don’t you?
- Can’t think what you’re talking about.

Don’t you feel sorry for a fellow
when he looks like he wants to kiss you?

You can’t kiss every man that asks you.
Didn’t anyone ever tell you that?

Yeah, they told me.
It ain’t so much a question
Of not knowin’ whut to do,
I knowed whut’s right
and wrong since I’ve been ten.

I heared a lot of stories--
And I reckon they are true--
About how girls’re put upon by men.
I know I mustn’t fall into the pit,
But when I’m with a feller--
I fergit!
I’m jist a girl who cain’t say “no”,
I’m in a turrible fix.
I always say “come on, le’s go!”
Jist when I orta say nix!
When a person tries to kiss a girl
I know she orta give his face a smack.
But as soon as someone kisses me
I somehow sorta wanta kiss him back.
I’m jist a fool when lights are low.
