- Whats at Claremore?
- The hotel.
In front is a veranda, inside is the lobby
and upstairs might be paradise.
I thought theyre just bedrooms.
For you and me, baby, paradise.
You see, I knows I was right.
You do want to marry me, dont you?
Oh, Ado Annie... What did you say?
I said you do want to marry me, dont you?
Whatd you say?
I didnt say nothing.
Oh, foot, thats Will Parker.
Promise me you wont fight him.
Ado Annie! Hows my honey bunch?
Hows the sweetest little
120 pounds of sugar in the territory?
Will, this is Ali Hakim.
Hiya, Hak!
Dont mind the way I talk. Its all right.
- Im going to marry her.
- Marry her? On purpose?
No such other thing.
Its a wonderful thing to be married.
My brother in Persia has six wives.
All at once?
Thats how they do it in them countries.
Not always. My other brother
only got one wife.
Hes a bachelor.
You know what I got
for first prize at the fair?
Well, that was good, $50.
Your pa promised I could marry you
if I could ever get $50 together.
Thats right. He did.
Your pas like all the rest of them farmers.
Dont think us cowboys got much sense.
Well, thisll show him.
You know what Ive done with the $50?
I spent it all on presents for you.
But if you spent it, youve got no cash.
What I got is worth more than cash.
The feller that sold me the stuff told me.
- But, Will--
- Stop saying But, Will.
When do I get a little kiss?
Ado Annie, honey, you aint
been off my mind since I left...
... all the time at the fairgrounds,
even when I was chasing those steers.
Id rope one under the hoofs,
and Id pull him real sharp.
Hed land on his little old rump.