
Shut your face, or I’ll fill your behind
so full of buckshot, you’ll walk like a duck.

Ali, if I don’t have to marry Will,
maybe your heart don’t have to be busted.

- I did not say that.
- Yes, you did.

No, I did not.
- Are you trying to make my daughter a liar?
- No.

I’m showing you what a liar I am.
If she’s telling the truth--

What else have you been saying
to my daughter?

An awful lot.
- When?
- Last night in the moonlight.

- Where?
- Alongside a haystack.

- Listen--
- I’m listening.

- What else did you say?
- He called me his Persian kitten.

- Why’d you say that?
- I don’t remember.

I do.
I’m like a Persian kitten
’cause they have soft round tails.

That’s enough.
In this country, that’d better
be a marriage proposal.

- That’s what I thought.
- That’s what you think.

- Look--
- I’m looking.

I’m no good. I’m a peddler.
A peddler has to travel up and down.
You’d hardly ever see your daughter
no more.

That’d be all right.
Just take care of my little rosebud.

Oh, Pa, that’s pretty.
You sure you can bear to let me go, Pa?
- Are you sure, Mr. Carnes?
- You just try to change my mind.

Ali, ain’t it wonderful,
Pa making up our minds?

And he won’t change neither.
Once he gives his word
that you can have me, you got me!

I know I got you.
Mrs. Ali Hakim, the peddler’s bride.
Oh, wait till I tell those girls.
Laurey! Laurey!
The peddler-man and me
is going to get married.

I hope we’ll be very happy.
Hi, Laurey. What’re you doing?
Going to pick peaches. What’re you doing?
I peeked in your basket up at the house.
I see you’ve got gooseberry tarts, too.
I wonder if they’re as light as mine.
Mine would float away if you blew on them.
I blew on one of mine and it broke
into a million pieces.

Ain’t she funny?
