Good, but louder. Sing it.
Oh, the farmer and the cowman
should be friends.
Sing. Cmon now, sing.
One man likes to push a plow,
the other likes to chase a cow,
But thats no reason
why they caint be friends!
And when this territory is a state,
And jines the Union jist like all the others,
The farmer and the cowman
and the merchant
Must all behave theirsels
and act like brothers.
Id like to teach you all a little sayin--
And learn the words by heart
the way you should:
I dont say Im no better
than anybody else,
But Ill be danged if I aint jist as good!
I dont say Im no better
than anybody else,
But Ill be danged if I aint jist as good!
Territory folks should stick together,
Territory folks should all be pals.
Cowboys dance
with the farmers daughters!
Farmers dance with the ranchers gals!