You sure can!
Then I still got $50, and this is mine!
You simple-minded shag-poke.
Going, going, gone for $51!
And that means Annie will get the prize.
And Ill get Annie, I guess.
What are you getting for your $51?
A three-day bellyache.
Now heres my nieces hamper.
I took a peek inside a while ago.
It looks mighty tasty.
What do I hear, gents?
- Two bits.
- Four bits.
What do you say? Six?
- $1.
- More like it! Do I hear $2?
And two bits.
$3 and four bits.
- $4.
- And two bits!
Aint I going to hear any more?
Ive got a bid of $4.25 from Jud.
Are you going to let him have it?
- $4.50.
- $4.50! Going for--
Come on, gentlemen!
The schoolhouse aint built yet.
- Got to get a nice chimney.
- $5!
- $5. Going for $5--
- And two bits!
Too rich for my blood.
I cant afford no more.
Aint got nearly enough yet,
not for cold duck with stuffing...
... and that lemon meringue pie.
- $6.
- $6! Going--
And two bits. And two bits!
My, youre stubborn, Jud.
Mr. Carnes is a richer man than you...
... and I know he likes custard
with raspberry syrup!