
If you married her,
you must have wanted to.

Sure, I wanted to marry her
when I saw the moonlight...

... shining on the barrel
of her father’s shotgun.

I thought it would be better to be alive.
Now I ain’t so sure.
Hey, Will, did you hear the news?
Gertie married the peddler.

Mighty glad to hear that, peddler-man.
I think I ought to kiss the bride.
Friend of the family, remember?
Hey, Gertie,
you ever had an Oklahoma hello?

- Hey! What’re you doing?
- Keeping Ado Annie from killing your wife.

Mind your own business.
Shh! Somebody will hear you.
They ain’t listening to
anybody but theirselves.

What are you doing out there,
you bunch of pig stealers?

Why don’t you go on back home
where you belong?

Up the ladder with you, now.
Put your foot in the right place!
