Just this, that he has renounced
the faith of his forefathers.
Mikkel is good enough.
He has God in his heart.
And now Anders...
Sometimes I just can't
understand you.
You go about looking as though
God has forsaken you.
Do I?
Yes, something has snapped
inside me.
And you know what the reason is.
Because God did not hear
your prayers
when you knelt by Johannes's bed.
No, Inger,
that's where you are wrong.
It was not God's fault,
it was my own.
If I had had faith when I prayed,
the miracle would have happened.
But I prayed only because
I thought it was worth trying.
When a father cannot pray
for his child with faith,
then miracles do not happen.
Don't you think God could do it
just the same?
I don't believe it any longer.
Do you know what I believe?
I believe a lot of little
miracles happen secretly
God hears people's prayers, but
he does it kind of secretly,
so as not to have too much fuss
made about it.
Perhaps you're right.
I think I'll go and meet Maren
and Little Inger.
They must be on the way home
from school.
Yes, it must be about time.
Coming along?
You bet I am.