Yes, number 82.
God be with you.
Hello! Yes, this is
Mikkel Borgen again.
Hasn't the doctor come back yet?
Oh! You have.
Is that what he said?
Then he should be here soon.
The mid-wife, yes, she's come,
but she doesn't dare anything
until the doctor gets here.
Yes, she has asked us to bring in
a large table.
Just a moment, there's a car
coming now.
Yes, it's him, thank Heavens!
Yes, goodbye.
What? Yes, thanks very much.
It's not going well
with Inger.
Who says so?
The mid-wife.
Well, let's see
how bad it is.
Think all of you
Come all of you
God's judgement will be
salvation to all
Good night, brothers
and sisters.
We'll meet again, God willing,
in a week's time
in the Poor House
in the name of Jesus.