
Good evening, Reverend,
and welcome again.

Thank you, thank you.
Do you know?
Yes, I know both the doctor
and his car.

That was what made me look in.
I wanted to hear
what was happening.

Good evening, Doctor.
It was kind of you. You see,
my son's wife... she was,

she had to...
Yes, she was expecting,
wasn't she?

The child died,
but she pulled through.

I see.
Now take off your coat,

There's some coffee coming
in a minute, and then we...

Thanks, but I've got to be
getting home.

You can drive with... with...
with the doctor.

Yes, of course.
Yes, sit down now.
I'll just take a peep in there.

She's sleeping like one of God's
angels. Here you are, doctor.

Thank you.
It's like a miracle.
You must pardon me,
my good Borgen.

I don't want to hurt your
religious feelings,

but now that it's turned out
all right, allow me

to tease you a little.
Which do you think helped
most this evening,
