Maren, Little Inger.
Our dearly beloved
daughter-in-law and sister-in-law
INGER BORGEN has gone to eternal
rest in steadfast faith
in her divine Savior
deeply missed by all
at Borgen's Farm.
Morten Borgen
Anders Borgen
But I say unto you which hear,
love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you.
Bless those who curse you,
and pray for those who
spitefully use you.
And unto him that
smiteth thee on the one cheek
offer him also the other.
It is time to go, if we're going
to get seats in church.
Yes, Kirstine.
Do you remember when
Morten Borgen came here?
Yes. Why?
I offended him greatly.
It seems to me it was
Morten Borgen that offended.
That's possible, but my offense
was greater.
Kirstine, I should have turned
the other cheek.
Aren't you a little hard
on yourself?
No, remember the words of Christ,
"What will you in church?
"Be reconciled to thy brother,
then come and offer thy gift."
Well, we'd better be going.
We must call at Borgen's Farm.