...so I couldn't come to see you
I'm told you're moving to Benares;
is that so?
Yes, we're leaving at dawn tomorrow
You're going tomorrow?
Think for a moment, is this
a wise decision?
You are Rajkestra's son,
Tarkalankar's grandson
Your family has lived here
for generations
We village elders still exist.
You could have asked our advice
Would that have helped?
Look at the house; I haven't
the means to repair it
Perhaps I should have asked
for your help...
...but how long could that last?
I have been saddled with debts
for fifteen years
My hopes of clearing them by selling
some furniture came to nothing
I wanted to be a writer; now my
manuscripts are worm eaten
I hoped to educate my boy,
but it was not to be
And the girl... she is at rest
Sometimes it is necessary
to leave the ancestral home
In town I may earn a little...
...reciting from the scriptures