Who, me?
Who else? Me?
You in good health?
You have papers?
- Yes.
You'll bless my name one day.
Now go give it your best.
Work hard.
Good morning, Rysio.
Good morning, Waldzio.
Mr. Sekula,
please ask Mr. Ziarno
to come in here.
Show him how to make stretchers.
Put some muscle in it, boy.
Where's the receipt?
Signed with a code name.
How do I know the money
ends up in the right hands?
Ask the major
when you get a chance.
What about that arsenal
you've set up in the shop?
Get that damned junk out of here!
I've already conveyed your demands
to headquarters.
I want some peace.
Cash for the organization? Fine.
But get those guns out of here.
I don't want to hang on your account.
Waldzio, Lieutenant Hirschweg is here.