
the combat organization
of Polish youth.

We will not lay down our arms!
We have blood, tears
and destruction to avenge.

And now,
not sometime in the future!

They murder us!
They send us to rot in camps!

Let's take revenge!
Let's fight for a free Poland!

For a just Poland!
Young workers, make contact
with the Union of Fighting Youth!

Join the People's Guard,
the militant arm of the Polish people!
Don't wait to be liberated!
To arms!
Death to the occupiers!

Miss! Miss!
Hey, you! Listen!
That's not her.
"Make contact." But how?
'Make contact."
Nice words.
But just try to do it.
There was no one to help me.
I groped in the dark a long time
before I found a friendly hand.

Clear out!
"Clear out," and we scatter.
That's right, brother.
That's right.
They slap our faces
and we do nothing.

We take it like sheep.
If only we had guns.
What? Guns?
