I could carry the world
on my shoulders.
I bet you feel the same now,
young man, eh?
Where are your dogs, Krone?
The boss gave them to the dogcatcher.
He turned me out
and gave my dogs to the dogcatcher.
You see, Stach...
this is my last day here.
Tell me, how does a man live
without work?
Old age isn't treating you well, Krone.
You'll be old one day too.
Not that I wish it on you,
because I've taken a liking to you.
But as it was, so will it be.
Come now.
Not necessarily.
What's up?
Quick, I'm in a hurry.
There was a meeting at school.
A girl spoke. I ran after her.
She stood up on a barrel and spoke.
- What are you babbling about?
She told us to join
the People's Guard.
I want to join.
Hold on now. Slow down.
Sekula, I know you can help me.