I guess I just don't understand anything.
I'm tired. I'd like to change the subject.
I'd just like to, that's all!
Girls your age don't do things like that!
You need an explanation?
Hi, rascal!
Girls don't love their father?
Since when?
Since I got to be 16?
Stop that! Sit down!
May I please be excused?
Hey, glamour puss!
I'm sorry. We'll break the date.
We'll stay home.
This isn't my home!
I don't know what to do.
All of a sudden she's a problem.
She'll outgrow it, dear. It's just the age.
The atomic age!
It's just the age when nothing fits.
Hey, Jimbo?
- You awake?
- Dad?
Can I ask you something?
Suppose you had to do something.
You had to go someplace...
and do this thing that was...
you know, it was very dangerous.
But it was a matter of honor.
And you had to prove it.
What would you do?
Well, is there some kind of trick answer?