It belongs to the State
Hello, lady banana seller
- How come you're here?
What's going on?
- Nothing, really...
I was walking and felt
tired so I sat down
These brothers were
looking after me.
Were they beating you?
What were they up to?
Bravo! Hitting the poor boy.
Did they hurt you?
Where do you live?
Where do you sleep?
Nowhere. Where do people
who live nowhere, live?
Right here. Stay with us
on the government's pavement.
Listen everyone,
regard him as our son
Take good care of him.
Treat him well. Help him.
You'll stay here
This footpath is our domain
Sit comfortably
Bring tea and snacks
Don't forget the chilies.
Forgive me if I hurt you.
Don't worry. Ganga Ma's
children are like brothers
I'm like your brother,
what's your name?
I told you all once,
our day would come
Our Raj is here
What do you do for a living?