"Though its quite out of sight,
It stays close and near"
"It eats, it drinks,
have little or no fear"
"Don't fall into its snare,
Be careful, be wise, beware"
"No! It's me!"
Did you see?
She lost her own game.
Teacher lost the game
she lost!
Celebrate with a holiday.
Go home
Sit down all of you!
Come back!
Or you will be in for it
Uncouth, illiterate!
Letting them go
Why get so cross?
Let them have some fun
Fun and game, eh?
To be useless like you?
True, I don't have
any work but...
I'm not. That's the tragedy
If I were, I would be a laborer
What can I do? I am a graduate
That's an even bigger lie!
Look at you.
Do you look educated?
My appearance fools you
If I were dressed
grandly and had a car...
...You wouldnt have called
me illiterate
I don't blame you.
The world is not compassionate