Climb not on the table!
Max, take off your hat!
Did you left enough for me?
2, 4, 6, 8, 10. That's all right.
You look like a wet mouse!
And you too!
Thomas, change the princes' clothes.
Yes, dry the princes!
-l also want!
-Then, eat!
-Max, you are eating like a woodcutter!
-Because it's delicious!
You should be the
example for them.
-They are eating like me!
-Yes... unfortunately.
-Where is Sissy?
-She is riding!
-And Nene?
-She never eats white sausage!
-Well, then we have enough.
-Daddy, can we go to bowl?
Yes, you can!
Someone is knocking, knocking, knocking.
Nobody used knife and fork. Why not?
Because you always use your fingers!
Look, my sweetheart. Since 5 years
you're trying to educate me...
l'm taking care that our home
don't become a roughhouse!
l'm worried about the future. We've 5
daughters. Helena is ready for marriage.
-Who is coming?
-Mr. Johann Petzmacher.
-Let him in!
-The son of a barkeeper!
l kiss your hand, Highness.
Good morning!
-Salve, Max!
-When did you arrive?
-Last night!