-l'll bring more French ardent spirit!
-Only for massaging!
She always drinks the
French ardent spirit!
-lt's not true, never l did that!
Good morning, Daddy!
-Good morning!
-How he looks interested to the dogs.
-Quiet! You too, Bella!
-You mounted and jumped very well.
As recompense,
you can go with me to the Bock!
-What's the problem, Baroness?
-This letter arrived now, Highness.
A letter for me?
From the Hofburg?
That's marvelous!
Call the Princess Nene,
-Did you call me, Mama?
-Yes, my daughter!
l'm receiving a letter
from your aunt Sofia...
-She wrote about you!
-About me?
Yes. Don't comment anything,
mainly with your father.
Aunt Sofia asked explicitly!
The notice is only for us
-What did write aunt Sofia?
-She wrote...
-Daddy will go hunt with me!
-Do you must shout so?
-Well, what did write aunt Sofia?
-She is awaiting us in lschl...
on August, 1 7...
My God... l can't believe.
-You should be the Empress ofAustria!