Rebellion, subversion
and offense ofYour Majesty.
-l'll analyze the records.
-l need your signature urgently.
-The executions will be tomorrow.
-l can't decide about...
-the life ofeight young peoples!
the condemnations were pronounced
by the major council ofwar.
lt doesn't matter.
l'll analyze the records.
Also Your lmperial Majesty, the
Archdukes Sofia is convinced that...
l think l have expressed
my opinion...
-Thank you, Excellence.
Keep attention now.
We will prepare the bed...
and now we'll put him here.
He must sleep.
Seppl! Give back the doll!
Go and bring an other doll.
-Present arms!
-What are you doing with my hat?
lt's not a toy. Put it on its place!
lf l need it, l couldn'tfind it!
-What is that?
-The Castle of Nymphenburg!
Poor royal family... As
summer residence it will serve.
Now l'll show you something.
Let us wrap up Hansi.
So, so, you must cover the
belly to not catch a cold.