-Salutations, Böckl.
-Without intimacy! l'm on service.
What did the person whojust went out
telegraph? Where it's starting?
l can't read this, these
are only points and traces.
-Here, read it.
-"Was arrested". A fugitive.
-Like l suspected...
-What do you telegraph?
Remove it!
"Escaped through the window".
-Did she do something wrong?
-Shut up! lt's l who asks!
"Escaped through the window".
Who is telegraphing?
lt's the Gmundner asking who
telegraphed. l'll answer immediately.
-Did you answer who telegraphed?
-Yes. A fool.
-You can't speak so, l'm on service!
-l'm too!
Pardon. "Send Papili". Who is
Papili? lt's a Croatian name.
"With guns"! This
is an attack against the Emperor!
An attack against the Emperor!
l know... lt can be only this!
She is on the street where the
Emperor must pass! My helmet!
-Something particular?
-l cannot spend time with that!
How l can get my money?
The girl doesn't have money and...
-gave me this ring as guarantee!
-What? You accepted? You're a receiver!
-What am l?
-Receiver! lt must have been stolen!
-Devolve it!
-lt shall stay with the police!
You know, Böckl? When you're on
service, you're a dumbbell!
Now that? Offending authority! Stand
up. You can considering you prisoner!
l'll pick you up later!
Where is the "idiot"? l'll take it...
with me as "corpus... delicti"!