Highness, the coach of His Majesty
is coming into the park.
Yes? Then let us go to the balcony
to salute Francis Joseph!
-Yes, Mother!
What happens?
Everybody is running out?
The coach of His Majesty
came into the park!
Give me
one more liquor!
Highness, General Adjutant of
His Majesty presenting him!
-Where is His Majesty?
-He ordered to go ahead.
-He wanted to walk.
Yes. That is, no.
That is...
-His Majesty was accompanied.
A lady,
l didn't know her!
-Unknown by you?
-Yes, Highness!
Thank you.
Come, my dears!
That one is the "Dachstein".
There is my hunting area.
That mountain.
There is the "Höllengebirge".
And there is the MountJainsen.
-lt's beautiful.
-All right...
then atfive o'clock, punctually,
at the "Hirschenbrücke"?
-Yes, Majesty.
-Shall you find the way?
-l hope you'll not get lost.
l? lmpossible! Even if
the forest shall be unknown.