Sommarnattens leende

I don't need anyone's help
with anything, except to lace me up.

So we say goodnight. My dreams
will be strictly monogamous in future.

I'm most grateful -
- if I can be spared all participation
in your base fantasies, my dear sir.

Besides, you weren't very good
as the Countess.

The part should go to
a younger actress.

But you still have your name,
Mademoiselle Armfeldt...

Look out, Mr Fredrik Egerman -
- so a younger member of your family
doesn't assume your role as husband.

- Who is that?
- I fear it is Malcolm.

- The dragoon, you mean?
- I'll ask Malla to answer the door.

- I forbid you to answer it!
- Are you afraid?

A gentleman does not face a rival
deprived of his trousers!

Malla, can you answer the door.
- You are enjoying yourself, I take it?
- Malcolm is a very jealous man.

Will he be armed?
He could do for you unarmed,
if so inclined...

- Perhaps I could hide...?
- This is not the theatre, Fredrik dear.

But it's still a damned farce!
I beg you excuse
my dusty appearance.

My faithful horse, Rummel,
went down just outside town.

Some humble flowers I managed
to obtain from a nearby park.

How charming, dearest Carl-Magnus.
And what lovely flowers.

- How long will you stay?
- I have 20 hours' leave.

Three hours to come here, nine with
you, five with my wife, and three back.

Would you mind if I change into
my dressing-gown?

- It's occupied, I'm afraid.
- So I see.

But I thought
it soon would be available.

Allow me to introduce you...
This is Mr Egerman, the lawyer.
