Sommarnattens leende

- It's more feminine.
- I don't want it up today.

Very well, madam.
- Which dress shall I wear?
- The yellow one.

I'll take the blue one.
I have a good figure.
At least as good as yours, Petra.

- Would you like to be a man?
- Dear me, no, what a horrid thought!

I wouldn't like to be a man either.
I'll feed the birds now,
and then I'll see to my plants.

We do have our duties.
Isn't that so, Petra?
Good morning, Beata.
I thought we should have
a nice roast for dinner today.

- We're having fish today.
- I want roast.

Naturally you can have roast, madam.
The gentlemen will have fish though.

- What are you doing with that?
- Watering the flowers.
