How nice!
Bring us some lemonade and biscuits.
Isn't it hot? A veritable heat wave.
- What a beautiful dress!
- Allow me to repay the compliment.
- I wish I had your beautiful colouring.
- I have always wanted your looks.
- I can't have my hair down like a girl.
- Yet we're the same age, aren't we?
- How old are you, Charlotte?
- How old are you?
- Nineteen, but I'll be twenty soon.
- Well, I'm a few years older.
- So how are you?
- Henrik is here.
He did very well at his exams,
his professor says.
- By the way, how is your husband?
- Well...
He is very well.
So the good Mr Egerman is well.
- He hasn't caught a cold then?
- In this heat?
- It wasn't so hot last night.
- I'm not sure I understand, dear...
It's the oddest thing... Your husband
was seen in town last night.
- He must have gone for a walk.
- In his nightshirt?
Why shouldn't he do that
if he wants to?
They say he came from
Mlle Armfeldt's house, the actress...
- Fredrik has always liked the theatre.
- I hear she holds orgies in her house.
Another biscuit, Charlotte?
- Are they old Beata's?
- Yes, she's a real treasure.
I'm not a gossip monger, as you know.
- What if I already knew?
- He's told you? A likely story!
- He did.
- I simply don't believe you.
I suppose he met your husband
at Miss Armfeldt's house.
I'm sure I don't understand.
But dear, the whole town knows
about him and Mlle Armfeldt.
Very well! It's none of my business
what the cad does. I respond in kind.