It's caused by suffocation.
What do you mean, suffocation?
The tongue becomes enlarged.
The throat, the thorax, the heart...
everything gets pushed out of place.
What do you think
Deemer's been working on out there?
That I'd like to know.
I'll hop out with Ridley, grab a couple
of pictures, and see what I can find out.
By the way, Doc...
how long had Jacobs been dead when
our friend here remembered to call you?
- Will you lay off?
- Eight or ten hours.
Thanks, Doc.
I'll be sure to spell your name right.
As for your friend,
it might just slip my mind...
to support him the next time he comes up
for election.
Say, that's a good idea, Jack.
Him going out to Deemer's.
Joe will get him so riled up with questions,
he may take to me.
If you go into the hotel, miss,
they'll tell you the best way to get there.
Thank you.
I wonder if you might tell me the best way
to get out to the Deemer place?
- It's about...
- I know where it is.
Is there a bus or cab available?
Well, yes, but there won't be any buses
through anymore today.
Then would you mind calling a cab for me?
I wouldn't mind it a bit.
But it wouldn't do no good.
Because Jasper, you see, it's his cab.
He's out at the Bar Six
and won't be back for a couple of hours.
Maybe longer.
Well, what'll I do?
Sit down and wait. That's all you can do.
Thank you.