Now you're talking.
You can put them right there.
It's funny he's not here. Maybe he's resting.
- Do I get the guided tour?
- Follow me.
It wasn't like that when I left!
Are you sure it's the same one?
We injected a baby rat this morning.
Let's take a look at it.
This morning?
It was a baby.
Matt, I tell you, this morning it was a baby.
And it doubled in size in a few hours?
Matt, you do believe me?
Of course I do.
Yes, he's here. Just a minute.
It's your office.
Thanks. Hello?
Yeah, Josh.
I'll stop by on my way home. Thanks. Bye.
I've got to go.
That's one of the penalties
of being a doctor.
I never seem to find time
to finish a conversation.
What do you make of that baby rat?
I don't know.
Freaks of any kind give me the willies.
Well, I've heard of giantism,
but I've never seen it produced.
Why don't you have Deemer ask me out
in the next day or so.
- I'd like to discuss it with him.
- I will.
it'll give me a chance to see you again.
Or don't I need an excuse?
- Now, what do you think?
- I'll call you.