Here, the stuff you saw yesterday,
and Andy's.
His wife found him at the corral last night,
He'd been... Like the cattle and sheep.
There was a couple of gallons of this liquid
beside him.
I wish you'd give me a hand with this yarn,
Stuff here I can't handle.
Maybe there's stuff here
none of us can.
If I were you, Joe,
I'd write this as a straight accident.
If you print anything as vague
as what we've got...
you'll scare half the state to death.
News is news, Doc.
Guess and a half-truth aren't news.
Why don't you hold off
till we nail this down tight?
Maybe then you'll have the biggest story
of your life.
- What have you got, Matt?
- I don't know.
But we've got to keep our minds open
and our mouths shut till we do know.
Here you are, Doc.
I'm not sure.
It's impossible at this stage
to give you a positive answer.
But it's related to insect venom.
- Insect venom?
- Come off it, Matt.
I know. But it checks.
Acidic content, the whole works.
I'm not sure what kind of insect venom it is,
Look, Matt, I'm willing
to play ball with you...
but there's a limit to what I'll swallow.
Check it yourself, Joe. I'll show you how.
You're having nightmares, Doc.
There's not an insect in the world
with that much venom.
All right, don't take my word for it.
Get someone else to analyse it.
- Who?
- Prof. Deemer.
Hey, that's a good idea.
I'll make a date with him. Take the stuff out.
- This time don't you forget to let me know.
- I won't, Joe.
Insect venom in the large economy size.
I've heard everything.
Give me Prof. Deemer will you, Josh?
Hello, Matt.
No, I can talk. He's upstairs.