- Mr Cat, let's go.
- Danielle, do me a favour.
- Don't call me a cat.
- I only do one favour a day.
- Will you do as your father asks?
- Did I brush your fur the wrong way?
- You're getting us wet.
- It must be true.
- Cats don't like water.
- Don't mention that word again.
- A man should never regret his past.
- I only regret one thing.
That you never asked me to
marry you?
No, that I ever taught you English.
You only taught me the nouns.
I learned the adjectives myself.
- The word cat is a noun.
- Not the way you use it.
For you it means excitement,
danger, affluence.
What do you think of that word,
"affluence"? It means wealth.
- What's on your mind?
- Nothing.
I was thinking about you. Imagining
you in your expensive villa.