That may not last long for me.
- You were in the Underground Army.
- I was in the Resistance.
- Did you kill many people?
- 72.
I know what would have pleased you.
Not one of them was insured.
You're a man of obvious good taste
in everything.
- How did you... Why did you...?
- Why did I take up stealing?
To live better, to own things,
to acquire this good taste you enjoy
and which I'm reluctant to give up.
- You were frankly dishonest?
- I tried to be.
I thought you'd have
some tale of hardship,
your mother ran off when
you were young, your father beat you.
No. I was in an American trapeze act
in a circus that travelled in Europe.
It folded, so I put my agility
to a more rewarding purpose.
You have no other defence?
I only stole from people
who wouldn't go hungry. Your plate.
- Quiche Lorraine, you'll enjoy this.
- I've heard of it.
- It looks delicious.
- Yes.
It's wonderful.
The pastry is as light as air.
Germaine has sensitive hands,
an exceedingly light touch.
I can tell.
She strangled a German general once,
without a sound.
Extraordinary woman.
I take it you were
a sort of modern Robin Hood.
You gave away most of the proceeds
of your crime.
Kept everything myself. Let's face it,
I was an out-and-out thief.
- Like you.
- I say, steady on.
Wait. Did you ever take an ashtray
from a hotel, or a towel?
Souvenirs, they expect that.
You're given an expense allowance
for your meals, right?
This meal is free. Are you going to
deduct it from your expense account?