The police want me in jail.
My old friends want me dead.
- The Cat wants me out of town.
- What do you mean?
He sent me a message.
The sky is about to fall in on me.
It's foolish to remain here without
knowing what may happen to you.
If you were in South America with me,
you would know what will happen.
You make it sound dangerous.
It would be so much nicer
to be killed by love, no?
I'll get the water out of my ear.
John, you know what sort of men
they are at Bertani's.
They will do something to you.
Yes. I better get back.
What has she got more than me,
except money?
And you are getting plenty of that.
Danielle, you are just a girl.
She is a woman.
Why do you want to buy an old car
if you can get a new one cheaper?
It will run better and last longer.
My old car just drove off.
No, it's turned amphibious. I thought
I'd see what the big attraction was.
- And rate an introduction.
- You didn't tell me your name.
- Danielle Foussard.
- Miss Stevens.
How do you do? Mr Burns has told me
so little about you.
- We met a couple of minutes ago.
- That's right, a few minutes.
Only a few minutes ago?
And you talk like old friends!
That's warm, friendly France for you!
I was asking about renting some water
skis. Would you like me to teach you?
Thank you, but I was
women's champion last season.
- It was just an idea.
- Were you talking about water skis?
It looked as though you were
conjugating irregular verbs.
- Say something nice, Danielle.
- She looks a lot older up close.