To Catch a Thief

- Slow down.
- And let them catch us?

- Let who catch us?
- The police who were following you.

Police following me?
Yes, police following you,
John Robie, The Cat.

Lovely day! Have you ever seen
any place more beautiful?

Just look at the colours
of the sea and the sky,

and the pink and green buildings.
Think of all those roofs
you could climb over.

- Who did you call me?
- John Robie.

The jewel thief known as The Cat.
I read about you in the Paris paper.

You may have read about The Cat...
I thought you said you were hungry.
The picnic basket's in the trunk.

Try to bluff me, and I can have the
fun of telling you how clever I was.

Since I'm not Mr Robie but Mr Burns,
