I haven't seen him
since he went in.
Oh, I see.
You try to eat.
I won't be long.
All right.
The Japanese bombers
swept over the island...
Come in, Audie.
At 7:55 this morning,
Honolulu time.
Pearl Harbor has been attacked.
The attack was without warning,
and launched
from aircraft carriers
standing off Hawaii.
Casualties among naval personnel
will run into the thousands.
At Hickam Field, the barracks
sustained a direct hit.
Details are at a minimum,
but we will continue
to interrupt broadcasts...
as more information
reaches us.
Ben, we're really at war.
We sure are.
How does this affect you, Jim?
I'll probably be ordered back
to base right away.
It'll be an honor to serve,
and don't you ever forget it.!
You've got the best training.!
I've had a lot of it, anyway.
Why, you leathernecks...
will have this war won
in two months.
Just wish I was young enough
to help you do it.
Biggest mistake I made
was gettin' out.
Why, I might have been
a general by this time.
I'll bet you...
Never mind, General.
War or no war,
you boys are gonna eat
the doughnuts I fixed.
I'll get
a pitcher of milk.
I was too optimistic, Audie,
but so was a lot of folks.
War is gonna last longer
than most of us figured.
How aboutJim?
You heard from him lately?
He's doin' real good.
Up to sergeant now.
You gotta come home!
It's Ma!
All of a sudden
Ma got worse!
How about Doc Snyder?
Is he with her?
I called him.
He should be by now.
Doc, is she...
She went peacefully.
I should have
been with her.
She didn't know, Audie.
She was happy and proud
of you and her family,
right up till the end.
I'll telephone Corinne...