Stay there!
This more the way
you figured the first day
would be like, Murph?
Get through the first
three or four days,
you'll be just like us.
That's what it means
to be a veteran:
You're scared all the time.
I didn't notice you
being too scared.
Just crazy,
standing up like that.
I had to take care
of you, didn't I?
War, to the foot soldier,
is a continual fight
for a few yards of dirt...
that always seem
to lie ahead ofhim,
to be taken from the enemy
or to be held at all costs.
Why? As often as not
he doesn't know...
in regard
to the overall campaign.
On Sicily,
all he knew was that he took
the entire island in 38 days.
What he had accomplished
gave the Allies...
a giant base of operation
close to the Italian mainland.
Hey, you guys,
you know what we've been doing
the last few weeks?
I want to forget.
We've been "advancing
against light resistance...
and squeezing the last
of the enemy forces off Sicily."
What do you know!