To Hell and Back

Why'd he pick on me?
You ought to get the promotions.
You've been in this outfit
longer than I have.

When you've been
in the outfit
as long as we have,

you learn how to avoid
these things, Corporal.
Don't feel bad, Murph.

We recommended you, so you
could lead us on to victory.

Hey, you guys,
welcome to sunny Italy,

the beautiful home
of my ancestors!

How come there wasn't
any brass band to meet you
back at the beach?

When we hit Naples, I'll get
the big greeting, and you'll
get your spaghetti dinner.

How's it been going, Mac?
Been a bit sticky.

Glad to let you chaps
have a go at it.

Looks like
Jerry's making his stand
at the Volturno River.

How do you know?
The blokes blew out
the blasted bridges!

Have a good time.
Yeah, thanks a lot.

Sure looks peaceful,
don't it?

That's what
I don't like about it.

LfJerry's over there,
he's sure invisible.

He's over there, all right.
They've already blown
the bridge, Lieutenant.

Hey, Lieutenant.!
They want you
for battalion briefing.
