Get that flare.!
Back out of here!
Open up!
Klasky didn't want me.
How come you left me behind?
'Cause I got sentimental?
No, 'cause you take
too many chances.
"Too many chances"?
Look, you take care of you,
and I'll take care of me.
I ought to let you
freeze to death.
I might anyway.
Sounds like the patrol
worked, Murph.
They're really moving
motorized stuff in.
At 0500 we'll open up
with small arms fire.
The 7 th will move across
at the same time.
I'm sure theJerries will
throw some entertainment
our way too.
You can count on it,
Just sitting here
being a target isn't my idea
of how to start a day.
You ever think of resigning?
Who'd win the war if I did?